"""Covering schemes for one or several dimensions."""
# License: GNU AGPLv3
import warnings
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone
from sklearn.exceptions import DataDimensionalityWarning, NotFittedError
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from .utils._cover import _check_has_one_column, \
from ..utils._docs import adapt_fit_transform_docs
from ..utils.intervals import Interval
from ..utils.validation import validate_params
class OneDimensionalCover(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Cover of one-dimensional data coming from open overlapping intervals.
In :meth:`fit`, given a training array `X` representing a collection of
real numbers, a cover of the real line by open intervals
:math:`I_k = (a_k, b_k)` (:math:`k = 1, \\ldots, n`,
:math:`a_k < a_{k+1}`, :math:`b_k < b_{k+1}`) is constructed
based on the distribution of values in `X`. In :meth:`transform`,
the cover is applied to a new array `X'` to yield a cover of `X'`.
All covers constructed in :meth:`fit` have :math:`a_1 = -\\infty`
and :math:`b_n = + \\infty``. Two kinds of cover are currently available:
"uniform" and "balanced". A uniform cover is such that
:math:`b_1 - m = b_2 - a_2 = \\cdots = M - a_n` where :math:`m` and
:math:`M` are the minimum and maximum values in `X` respectively. A
balanced cover is such that approximately the same number of unique
values from `X` is contained in each cover interval.
kind : ``'uniform'`` | ``'balanced'``, optional, default: ``'uniform'``
The kind of cover to use.
n_intervals : int, optional, default: ``10``
The number of intervals in the cover calculated in :meth:`fit`.
overlap_frac : float, optional, default: ``0.1``
If the cover is uniform, this is the ratio between the length of the
intersection between consecutive intervals and the length of each
interval. If the cover is balanced, this is the analogous fractional
overlap for a uniform cover of the closed interval
:math:`(0.5, N + 0.5)` where :math:`N` is the number of unique
values in the training array (see the Notes).
left_limits_ : ndarray of shape (n_intervals,)
Left limits of the cover intervals computed in :meth:`fit`. See the
right_limits_ : ndarray of shape (n_intervals,)
Right limits of the cover intervals computed in :meth:`fit`. See the
In the case of a balanced cover, :meth:`left_limits_` and
:meth:`right_limits_` are computed as follows given a training array `X`:
first, entries in `X` are ranked in ascending order, starting at 1 and
with the same rank repeated in the case of equal values; then, the closed
interval :math:`(0.5, N + 0.5)`, where :math:`N` is the maximum
rank observed, is covered uniformly with parameters `n_intervals` and
`overlap_frac`, yielding intervals :math:`(\\alpha_k, \\beta_k)`;
the final cover is made of intervals :math:`(a_k, b_k)` where, for
:math:`k > 1` (resp. :math:`k < ` `n_intervals`), :math:`a_k` (resp.
:math:`b_k`) is the value of any entry in `X` ranked as the floor (
resp. ceiling) of :math:`\\alpha_k` (resp. :math:`\\beta_k`).
See also
_hyperparameters = {
'kind': {'type': str, 'in': ['uniform', 'balanced']},
'n_intervals': {'type': int, 'in': Interval(1, np.inf, closed='left')},
'overlap_frac': {'type': float, 'in': Interval(0, 1, closed='neither')}
[docs] def __init__(self, kind='uniform', n_intervals=10, overlap_frac=0.1):
self.kind = kind
self.n_intervals = n_intervals
self.overlap_frac = overlap_frac
if overlap_frac == 0.:
raise ValueError("`overlap_frac` must be positive,"
"as otherwise the intervals will not cover"
"the range")
if overlap_frac <= 1e-8:
warnings.warn("`overlap_frac` is close to zero,"
"which might cause numerical issues and errors",
def _fit_uniform(self, X):
self.left_limits_, self.right_limits_ = self._find_interval_limits(
X, self.n_intervals, self.overlap_frac, is_uniform=True)
return self
def _fit_balanced(self, X):
X_rank = rankdata(X, method='dense') - 1
left_limits, right_limits = self._find_interval_limits(
X_rank, self.n_intervals, self.overlap_frac, is_uniform=False)
left_limits_int = left_limits.astype(int)
left_ranks = np.where(left_limits >= 0, left_limits_int, -1)
right_limits_int = right_limits.astype(int)
right_ranks = np.where(right_limits_int == right_limits,
right_limits_int + 1)
self.left_limits_, self.right_limits_ = self._limits_from_ranks(
X_rank, X.flatten(), left_ranks, right_ranks)
return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Compute all cover interval limits according to `X` and store them
in :attr:`left_limits_` and :attr:`right_limits_`. Then, return the
This method is here to implement the usual scikit-learn API and hence
work in pipelines.
X : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, 1)
Input data.
y : None
There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline
API requires this parameter.
self : object
X = check_array(X, ensure_2d=False)
validate_params(self.get_params(), self._hyperparameters)
if X.ndim == 2:
is_uniform = self.kind == 'uniform'
fitter = self._fit_uniform if is_uniform else self._fit_balanced
return fitter(X)
def _transform(self, X):
return (X > self.left_limits_) & (X < self.right_limits_)
def _fit_transform_balanced(self, X):
"""Shortcut in the case of a balanced cover, avoiding overhead
from calculation of self.left_limits_ and self.right_limits_.
Stores hidden attributes _left_limits and _right_limits which refer
to a cover of the interval (-0.5, n_unique - 0.5) where n_unique is
the number of unique points in X.
X_rank = rankdata(X, method='dense') - 1
self._left_limits, self._right_limits = self._find_interval_limits(
X_rank, self.n_intervals, self.overlap_frac, is_uniform=False)
X_rank = np.broadcast_to(X_rank[:, None],
(X.shape[0], self.n_intervals))
Xt = (X_rank > self._left_limits) & (X_rank < self._right_limits)
return Xt
def _fit_transform(self, X):
if self.kind == 'uniform':
Xt = self._fit_uniform(X)._transform(X)
Xt = self._fit_transform_balanced(X)
return Xt
[docs] def get_fitted_intervals(self):
"""Returns the open intervals computed in :meth:`fit`, as a list of
tuples (a, b) where a < b.
if self.kind == 'balanced':
# Test whether self.left_limits_ and self.right_limits_ have
# been created
return list(zip(self.left_limits_, self.right_limits_))
def _check_limit_attrs(self):
limit_attrs = ['left_limits_', 'right_limits_']
has_limits = all([hasattr(self, attr) for attr in limit_attrs])
if not has_limits:
raise NotFittedError(
"When the cover is balanced and n_intervals > 1, the left "
"and right limits of the cover intervals are not "
"explicitly calculated during 'fit_transform'. Please "
"call 'fit' explicitly on the same data before using this "
def _find_interval_limits(self, X, n_intervals, overlap_frac,
if is_uniform:
min_val, max_val = np.min(X), np.max(X)
only_one_pt = (min_val == max_val)
# Assume X is the result of a call to scipy.stats.rankdata
min_val, max_val = -0.5, np.max(X) + 0.5
only_one_pt = (min_val == max_val - 1)
# Allow X to have one unique sample only if one interval is required,
# in which case the fitted interval will be (-np.inf, np.inf).
if only_one_pt and n_intervals > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Only one unique filter value found, cannot fit "
f"{n_intervals} > 1 intervals.")
left_limits, right_limits = \
self._cover_limits(min_val, max_val, n_intervals, overlap_frac)
if is_uniform:
left_limits[0], right_limits[-1] = -np.inf, np.inf
return left_limits, right_limits
def _limits_from_ranks(self, X_rank, X, left_ranks, right_ranks):
n_intervals = self.n_intervals
X_rank = np.broadcast_to(X_rank[:, None],
(X_rank.shape[0], n_intervals))
left_mask = (X_rank == left_ranks)
right_mask = (X_rank == right_ranks)
left_indices = (np.flatnonzero(left_mask[:, i])
for i in range(n_intervals))
right_indices = (np.flatnonzero(right_mask[:, i])
for i in range(n_intervals))
left_limits = np.array([
X[nonzero_indices[0]] if nonzero_indices.size else -np.inf
for nonzero_indices in left_indices
right_limits = np.array([
X[nonzero_indices[0]] if nonzero_indices.size else np.inf
for nonzero_indices in right_indices
left_limits[0] = -np.inf
right_limits[-1] = np.inf
return left_limits, right_limits
def _cover_limits(min_val, max_val, n_intervals, overlap_frac):
# Construct a uniform cover of the interval [min_val, max_val].
# Let the length of each interval be l. The equation to solve for l is
# (n_intervals - 1) * l * (1 - overlap_frac) + l = max_val - min_val.
# The maximum left endpoint is at min_val + (n_intervals - 1) * (1 -
# overlap_frac) * l
total_len = max_val - min_val
interval_len = total_len / \
(n_intervals - (n_intervals - 1) * overlap_frac)
last = min_val + (n_intervals - 1) * (1 - overlap_frac) * interval_len
left_limits = np.linspace(min_val, last, num=n_intervals,
right_limits = left_limits + interval_len
return left_limits, right_limits
class CubicalCover(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Cover of multi-dimensional data coming from overlapping hypercubes
(technically, parallelopipeds) given by taking products of one-dimensional
In :meth:`fit`, :class:`OneDimensionalCover` objects are fitted
independently on each column of the input array, according to the same
parameters passed to the constructor. For example, if the
:class:`CubicalCover` object is instantiated with ``kind='uniform'``,
``n_intervals=10`` and ``overlap_frac=0.1``, then each column of the
input array is used to construct a cover of the real line by 10
equal-length intervals with fractional overlap of 0.1. Each element of the
resulting multi-dimensional cover of Euclidean space is of the form
:math:`I_{i, \\ldots, k} = I^{(0)}_i \\times \\cdots \\times
I^{(d-1)}_k` where :math:`d` is the number of columns in the input
array, and :math:`I^{(l)}_j` is the :math:`j`th cover interval
constructed for feature dimension :math:`l`. In :meth:`transform`,
the cover is applied to a new array `X'` to yield a cover of `X'`.
kind : ``'uniform'`` | ``'balanced'``, optional, default: ``'uniform'``
The kind of cover to use.
n_intervals : int, optional, default: ``10``
The number of intervals in the covers of each feature dimension
calculated in :meth:`fit`.
overlap_frac : float, optional, default: ``0.1``
The fractional overlap between consecutive intervals in the covers of
each feature dimension calculated in :meth:`fit`.
See also
_hyperparameters = {
'kind': {'type': str, 'in': ['uniform', 'balanced']},
'n_intervals': {'type': int, 'in': Interval(1, np.inf, closed='left')},
'overlap_frac': {'type': float, 'in': Interval(0, 1, closed='neither')}
[docs] def __init__(self, kind='uniform', n_intervals=10, overlap_frac=0.1):
self.kind = kind
self.n_intervals = n_intervals
self.overlap_frac = overlap_frac
def _clone_and_apply_to_column(self, X, coverer, method_name, i):
# method is either a fit-type or a fit_transform-type method
return getattr(clone(coverer), method_name)(X[:, [i]])
except ValueError as ve:
if ve.args[0] == f"Only one unique filter value found, cannot " \
f"fit {self.n_intervals} > 1 intervals.":
raise ValueError(
f"Only one unique filter value found along feature "
f"dimension {i}, cannot fit {self.n_intervals} > 1 "
f"intervals there.")
raise ve
def _fit(self, X):
coverer = OneDimensionalCover(kind=self.kind,
is_uniform = self.kind == 'uniform'
fitter = '_fit_uniform' if is_uniform else '_fit_balanced'
self._coverers = [
partial(self._clone_and_apply_to_column, X, coverer, fitter)(i)
for i in range(X.shape[1])
self._n_features_fit = X.shape[1]
return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Compute all open cover parallelopipeds according to `X`,
as products of one-dimensional intervals covering each feature
dimension separately. Then, return the estimator.
This method is here to implement the usual scikit-learn API and hence
work in pipelines.
X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
Input data.
y : None
There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline
API requires this parameter.
self : object
X = check_array(X, ensure_2d=False)
validate_params(self.get_params(), self._hyperparameters)
# Reshape filter function values derived from FunctionTransformer
if X.ndim == 1:
X = X[:, None]
return self._fit(X)
def _transform(self, X):
# Calculate 1D cover for each column
covers = [coverer._transform(X[:, [i]])
for i, coverer in enumerate(self._coverers)]
Xt = self._combine_one_dim_covers(covers)
return Xt
def _combine_one_dim_covers(covers):
# Stack intervals for each cover
intervals = (
[cover[:, i] for i in range(cover.shape[1])] for cover in covers
# Calculate masks for pullback cover
Xt = np.array([np.logical_and.reduce(t)
for t in product(*intervals)]).T
Xt = _remove_empty_and_duplicate_intervals(Xt)
return Xt