

The latest stable version of giotto-deep requires:

  • python (>= 3.7)

  • tensorboard (=> 2.9.1)

  • torch (>= 1.11.0)

  • torchdata (>= 0.3.0)

  • torchtext (>) 0.12.0)

  • torchvision (>= 0.12.0)

For all the required dependencies, please refer to the requirements.txt file.

To run the examples, jupyter is required.

To run the test, both pytest and mypy are required.

User installation

The simplest way to install giotto-deep is using pip

python -m pip install -U giotto-deep

If necessary, this command will also automatically install all the above dependencies. Note: we recommend upgrading pip to a recent version as the above may fail on very old versions.

Developer installation

Installing both the PyPI release and source of giotto-deep in the same environment is not recommended.

Source code

You can obtain the latest state of the source code with the command:

git clone

To install

cd giotto-deep
python -m pip install -e .

This way, you can pull the library’s latest changes and make them immediately available on your machine. Note: we recommend upgrading pip and setuptools to recent versions before installing in this way.


After installation, you can launch the test suite from inside the /gdeep directory:

pytest .

You can also run the typing checks from /gdeep using:

mypy --ignore-missing-imports .

You can also run the bash script for local tests (from the root folder!) like this:
